SEO for Google
2007/03/02 17:05:36 by linksj2top of
Optimizing your website is a way to rank greatly in Google.
o read this article in order to find out how to help the readers and
isitors to find the valuable information they need and on how to keep
he Google’s spider to come back for more.
f you have a business website and you wish that people will find your
usiness website, then you have to make sure that your website is
esign and plan to be search engine friendly. There are some things to
onsider in coming up to such goal.
ndeed, this article will focus on optimizing for Google.
his article will focus on the other factors in determining your position on the Google results.
es, every website wants to be on the top rank, but they tend to forget
ome of the basic optimization techniques in order to be on the top
ank on the search engine. Have to check out your title tags lately?
re you giving your time and effort or just sitting their and waiting
o be on the top rank?
efinitely nowadays, there are a lot of people uses the internet or the
earch engine in particular to obtain information, products and
ervices they needed. So in order to catch the attention of the readers
r visitors, one of the effective methods is to have valuable title
o you have to make sure to create better and unique title tag, in
rder for your website to be rank well. Creating unique title tag is
ne of the key strategies in order for the search engine will love your
t is wiser to conduct keyword analysis, in order for you to know which
eyword or keyword phrases drives the most traffic. And these keywords
hich have less traffic, you can do something about it in order for
hose to gain traffic soon.
reating original and with much value content is also important. So you
ave to make sure that you will compose original content. Since Google
refer original content. You can also conduct content analysis, so that
hose contents which have lesser traffic can be rewritten, in order to
ave traffic soon.
oogle usually looks for h1 and h2 tags, as an indicator for what the
ext contain. So you have to create document with h1 tag and to have
riginal content that visitors will love and appreciate to read.
ndeed, those websites who follow the design guidelines are the website
hat can easily be read, understand and visited by readers and
isitors. If people or visitors see that they can get all the necessary
nformation in your website, so those people are most likely to come
ack to you again and again.
f the visitors or readers tend to come back to your website, this
efinitely will be the best benefit of them all. This can help you be
ank on the top of the search engine results.
o start optimizing for Google now, this article have mentioned some
oints to think about in optimizing your website. But you have to bear
n mind that this require some time.
rticle Author Eliza Maledevic from, a SEO Company. Know more about Search Engine Optimization at & |