Twelve Ways to Lose Weight

2007/06/19 10:21:05 by lets_j2top@yahoo.com of Lets jump top


There are plenty of ways for you to lose weight. This article will give you 12 of the ways that you can do to fight obesity or overweight.

-It not that easy to lose weight but you can start by taking one step at a time. You would start by giving attention to what you eat. You have to reduce or avoid fat and sweets and eat more fruits and vegetables. After you have your eating habits under control, you can start adding exercise. If you are not into exercising, you can just start by spending 15 minutes of your time exercising. You have to motivate yourself that while doing exercising you can burn some calories and you are not eating, so it can aid to losing weight. In doing physical activities, make sure to do few that can make you enjoy and have fun, it can be either, swimming, biking, dancing, aerobics and a lot more.

-You can find a friend that can support you with your quest of losing weight. You have to search for a friend you want to lose weight as well; you can weigh-in together, compare notes and support each other. You can even have a contest which one will lose weight first.

-Another good way to lose weight is to use weights. Working out can help you build muscle and can increase your metabolism, so because of these, you can burn a lot more calories.

-You have to lessen carbohydrate intake. It would be better not to eat too much pastas and breads.

-Quit soda. If you drink too much soda, it is now high time for you to quit and give up soda. If you are having difficulties with quitting soda since you have been taking about 2 bottles a day, you can just simply cut back or reduce your soda intake and drink plenty of water instead.

-Setting a goal. If you truly want to lose weight, you have to set a deadline in losing weight. Like for instance, you will write down that by July 30, ’07, I will be weighing 140 lbs or less. Put this on a place where you can see it everyday, so to be determined to achieve your goal.

-Avoid purchasing junk foods. It is better to avoid and quit eating junk foods. You can do this by keeping your home junk food free.

-You have to eat breakfast. It is better to add calories early in the day. It is recommended not to eat after 8pm; this could help you avoid more calories.

-You should not eat too much and you can do this by using smaller plate. In this manner, you can trick yourself and you will not eat too much.

-If you are hungry, it is better to drink plenty of water in order to feel full.

-Measure your food. If you decide o have a snack, it is better to measure it and make sure to control yourself from overeating.

-Take herbal remedy. Herbal remedy can aid you to lose weight naturally. But you have to make sure to add it to your daily regimen. Take the right dosage, so you have to follow the instruction carefully and strictly.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson
<a href="http://primeherbal.com/hoodia">http://primeherbal.com/hoodia</a>


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